High Efficient Production Solution Service Provider

About CNC Milling Machine and Lathe

addtime:2013-04-01 09:53:35 | editor:admin read:2679 【word size:Big middle small

In the high technologyorientated former West Germany, a recent survey concluded that only about 12% of the machine tools(include milling machine, machining center, lathe and gantry) installed were less than 5 years old. That is to say, many conventional machines are still actually in use and must be supplemented or replaced in successive small steps by replacement or expensive statements. 

Continuing this theme, of current average age of the machine tool compared with its utilization levelit can be seen that it is precisely in this area that the largest amount of manoeuvering space for entrepreneurial decisions occurs. In the early 1980sa review regarding machine tool utilization was conducted and the results showed that on average only approximately 700-800 hours per annum were spent actually doing 7 cuttingwork. 

If one refers this to the theoretically available annual loading time for the machine t001 of 364×24 hours per daythis time will represent approximately 8% and this is shown. This graph also attempts to show the individual blocks of time which cannot be used for actual production and it illustrates just how little influence any small idle time improvements will achieve on the machine. 

When compared with the enormous potential of incomeplete utilisation0bviouslyimprovements during the last 20 years in the cutting capability of machine tools and their performance have shown increases averaging 500and further drastic savings of time have been achieved in the area of idle times where higher rapid traverse rates and automatic tool and work piece-changing equipment have been developedIt nevertheless remains a factthat even though these areimpressive productivity gainsthey are adrop in the oceanwhen seen from the plant utilization throughout the year.

Here is a list of excellent cnc machine tools like cnc milling machine, cnc lathe and they will definitely satisfy you! Have a look and tell me whether I am saying is right or not:



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